What To Do When A Loved One Is Arrested
ShareWhen a loved one is arrested, a lot of thoughts and feelings might be swirling through your mind. If you've never had to deal with such a situation, it can be hard to know what you should do in order to provide some help to your loved one and protect yourself as well. Here are some steps to take.
Hang On to the Warrant
If you were present during the arrest itself, you may have quickly seen the warrant that the police used in order to make the arrest in the first place. It might be back at your loved one's apartment or sitting around in your home. It is vital that you locate and hold on to this document. Not only will it have information on it that you need--such as an officer's name and the facility where they've transported your loved one--but it may also outline the charges that your loved one was arrested for. While it might not provide too many details, the warrant can help a lawyer get started with some kind of defense.
Secure Bail
As soon as you can, start looking for a bail bondsman. This must be done right away because bail bondsmen are not required to work with anyone; many times they will want to do their own assessment and determine whether someone is a good or bad risk. If they refuse to take your loved one's case, you need to have the time to talk to another bondsman. Of course, the longer it takes to find you a bondsman, the longer your loved one sits in jail, so you might want to talk with a few bondsmen on the same day in order to secure at least one of them as soon as possible.
Assume Nothing is Private
When you go to visit your loved one, you may see no evidence that you are being watched or recorded. However, don't assume that anything you discuss with your loved one is private. The phone you use may have a recording device, for instance. Avoid talking too much about the case so that you don't make things more bleak for your loved one, and don't convey sensitive information. If you have sensitive information, give your loved one's attorney the details instead; their communication with your loved one is privileged and they can relay that information during their meetings.
Now that you've been aware of some actions you can take after your loved one's arrest, you can be of some help during this difficult time. Talk with your loved one's criminal defense attorney for more information.