How Long Will Your Workers' Compensation Coverage Last?

15 September 2022
 Categories: Law, Blog


For hurt workers, workers' compensation insurance means they will be covered for their medical needs because of a work-related injury or illness. Some workers, though, may wonder how their coverage ends. Read on and find out more. 

Workers' Compensation and Medical Treatment

Your medical treatment plan is part of an agreement between your employer's workers' compensation insurer and the doctor in charge of your care. When it comes to your treatment, your doctor is in charge, but they must also work in tandem with the insurer so that the care is covered by your benefits. When it comes to ending the workers' comp benefits, it's a joint decision between your doctors and your insurer. That doesn't mean, however, that you have no part in the way things go.

Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) and Your Rights

If your doctor has not cleared you to return to work after several weeks, the insurer may request that you undergo an exam to determine the status of your work-related injury. The exam is carried out by a different doctor who will report their findings to the workers' compensation insurer.

You may be told that your injury is at MMI. That means your treatment is at a point in which decisions can be made about how much more you need. It does not mean you are not entitled to more treatment, however. It's strongly advised to speak to a workers' compensation lawyer if you don't agree with the results of the MMI. For example, you could be told that you are deemed 75% permanently disabled. That means you will be entitled to earn 75% of your previous salary in a settlement.

You are entitled to a second opinion MMI if you disagree with the initial findings. This ruling is very important, and you must take action if you believe you are more disabled than the ruling found.

Steps to Take

  1. Speak to a workers' compensation lawyer and find out about your rights.
  2. Don't agree to a settlement before you get some professional legal advice. That action will close your claim and you may not be able to open it again.
  3. You may be eligible for more money than you are offered by the insurer. Your lawyer can help you understand how much you should be paid, and they can negotiate with the insurer for that settlement.
  4. Your workers' compensation lawyer will help you continue to get disability pay while your case is being determined. They can also assist you in structuring your settlement so that you can be paid the maximum amount possible.
  5. Speak to a workers' compensation lawyer to find out more.